Own Your Free Electricity with Solar Panels

Zero out-of-pocket and 30% Tax Credit

If you are a homeowner who wants more control over your energy while

seriously reducing your power bill...


World Class Solar Installations

Our Residential Solar Systems save you money, while saving the environment. With zero out-of-pocket costs and a 30% Federal Tax Credit, there's never been a better time to go Solar!

Fast and Convenient Process


Send us a recent energy bill

We'll analyze your bill to determine your home's energy requirements.

We design your solar system

We'll design the perfect Solar system for your home, and present it to you via Zoom.

E-Sign your solar documents

If Solar makes sense for you, the documents can be e-signed, for convenience.

We perform a Site Survey

We'll visit your home to

survey the roof, electric meter and panel.


We will apply for your Permits

Once the Solar system is designed, we'll apply for your permits.

Technicians Install Your Solar System

A Once your permit is approved, our technicians we will schedule your install within 1-2 days.

Connect Solar Panels to the Grid

Next, we'll apply to your utility company to connect your Solar panels to the grid.

You Start Saving Money

Start Saving money on your energy bills. You'll also be helping the environment!

Fast and Convenient Process


Send us a recent energy bill

We'll analyze your bill to determine your home's energy requirements.

We design your solar system

We'll design the perfect Solar system for your home, and present it to you via Zoom.

E-Sign your solar documents

If Solar makes sense for you, the documents can be e-signed, for convenience.

We perform a Site Survey

We'll visit your home to

survey the roof, electric meter and panel.


We will apply for your Permits

Once the Solar system is designed, we'll apply for your permits.

Technicians Install Your Solar System

A Once your permit is approved, our technicians we will schedule your install within 1-2 days.

Connect Solar Panels to the Grid

Next, we'll apply to your utility company to connect your Solar panels to the grid.

You Start Saving Money

Start Saving money on your energy bills. You'll also be helping the environment!


Why Go Solar?

If you're spending more than $80 a month on electricity, you may be concerned about how much you'll have to shell out in the long run. Did you know that, based on current trends, you could be paying $2600 per year for electricity over the next two decades?

However, you can take control of your energy costs by going solar! Switching to solar power can safeguard you against rising electricity rates and, eventually, reduce your expenses to zero.

By going solar, you're not only protecting your wallet, but you're also making your home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. So why not make the switch to solar today and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer?

Benefits of Going Solar

Choosing to go solar can make great financial sense as it allows you to generate power at a lower cost than buying electricity from a utility, and you also have predictability in your production.

Paying You Back

For every dollar you invest in a solar system, your home’s value increases on average by $1.85. No other home improvement promises that high of a return. Solar panels typically pay for themselves in six to nine years and increase the resale value of a house on average by about $15,000.

Seeing The Big Picture

By switching over to solar power and depending on clean energy, we can majorly reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Going a little greener saves the United States in healthcare and environmental cleanup costs—and we can feel a little better about our future and the choices we make.

Benefits of Going Solar

Choosing to go solar can make great financial sense as it allows you to generate power at a lower cost than buying electricity from a utility, and you also have predictability in your production.

Paying You Back

For every dollar you invest in a solar system, your home’s value increases on average by $1.85. No other home improvement promises that high of a return. Solar panels typically pay for themselves in six to nine years and increase the resale value of a house on average by about $15,000.

Seeing The Big Picture

By switching over to solar power and depending on clean energy, we can majorly reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Going a little greener saves the United States in healthcare and environmental cleanup costs—and we can feel a little better about our future and the choices we make.

Install Network

At Clean Grid Solar we've formed strategic partnerships with some of the biggest installers across the nation. Thanks to our world-class network of installers, you can count on receiving an exceptional experience, complete with some of the fastest installation times available in the industry.

From the moment you sign your agreement, we'll keep a close eye on your solar project, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. We'll monitor your progress each step of the way until your electric company finally puts you online.

With Clean Grid Solar, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar installation is in the hands of experienced professionals who will work to deliver the best results for you.

Federal Tax Credit

The majority of people who install solar are eligible for the tax credit, which the federal government applies to your tax refund if you've already paid taxes through withholding from your paycheck. Additionally, the tax credit can be carried forward for one year, which means that any remaining amount from this year can be credited towards next year's taxes.

If you're considering other energy-efficient upgrades such as a new roof, upgraded electric panel, or instant tankless hot water, you can finance 100% of those projects in the same package. Many of our clients take advantage of the 30% tax credit for the full financed package!

Our team specializes in installing solar panels and providing energy-efficient upgrades for homes, and the majority of our customers do utilize these tax credits. Of course, it's always best to check with your personal tax advisor, as we are not tax professionals.

Own Your Free electricity

With Solar Panels Energy

If you’re not familiar with solar panels and solar power, our team excels at explaining solar technology in a way that anyone can understand. The good news is that the systems we install are incredibly simple and easy to use. You don’t need to switch them on in the morning or off at night. The system handles this process seamlessly and automatically.

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